Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Title: Everless
Author: Sara Holland
Series: Everless #1
Pages: 362
Published: Jan 2nd 2018
Publisher: Harper Teen

This book was a classic YA fantasy with an original idea set in a different fantasy universe. It is exactly what my brain craves sometimes. Personally for me, it wasn't the most exciting YA fantasy I've read. It is a bit slow, if not unexciting at parts but it's an easy read and plenty happens.

The book is written in first person but I love the amount of characters. There are enough side characters of each social status to give an understanding of how Everless is ruled. Jules lives with the servants, where she has friends, she has her family and a friend from home, she has the Gerlings, that she knew as a girl and the Queen and her daughter whom she serves. It gives a very well understanding of Everless as a whole, and it's wonderful. What else is great is that Jules moves around these ranks quite frequently and therefore we understand the places and what's generally going on the story. It's great.

What's more, is that, since the book is written from Jules's point of view we always know what she's thinking and are therefore often reminded of her childhood, her memories, her dreams. The world of Sempera and Everless is built up to the reader through Jules's thoughts. And theses are not repetitive or annoying since she starts questioning a lot of things that are going on with time.

The time aspect of this book is very interesting. How blood and time are linked and how they are used and contained. It is a very interesting concept and I give Sara Holland all the credit for thinking through her story.

Unfortunately I just wished there was more. The cogs only really started moving towards the end. Jules's journey felt like it stood still for quite a while, and when things finally started clicking into place we were almost at the end of the book and it felt almost rushed and I didn't get enough time to process everything that had been revealed. 

A very nice YA fantasy, but not quite the epic. Although the story had loads of potential and the character is likeable I had small issues with pacing.

Plot Summary:

In the land of Sempera, the rich control everything - even time. Ever since the time of alchemy and sorcery, hours, days and years have been extracted from blood and bound to iron coins. The rich live for centuries, the poor bleed themselves dry. 
Jules and her father are behind on their rent and low on hours. To stop him from draining himself to clear their debts, Jules takes a job at Everless, the grand estate of the cruel Gerling family. 
There, Jules encounters danger and temptation in the guise of the Gerling heir, Roan, who is soon to be married. But the web of secrets at Everless stretches beyond her desire, and the truths she must uncover will change her life forever... and possibly the future of time itself. 

My Rating:


Enjoyable, but not quite as exciting as I expected.

Other Books in this Series:

Everless (Everless #1)
Evermore (Everless #2)

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