Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Title: Vikingafurstinnan: en historisk roman om Ingegerd - vikingatidens mäktigaste kvinna  (alt. Mäktig Mans Kvinna)
Author: Chatarina Ingelman-Sandberg
Pages: 376
Published: 2018 (alt. 2001)
Publisher: Månpocket
Language: Swedish

In all honesty, I was disappointed. I found this book in the Science-Fiction bookshop in Old Town in Stockholm, Sweden and I was really in the mood for a Viking story. Having read and loved Johanne Hildebrandt's books Sigrid, and Estrid, I thought I was in for a similar experience when picking up Vikingafurstinnan. But instead of flying through the book, I had to push myself to finish it.

This book had such potential. It introduced the relationship between the Vikings and Russia and Prussia. It highlighted the change in religion that the Vikings went through. There was an impossible love story and an arranged marriage, but no spice! Nothing of this hooked on and provided an exciting story. I was solely disappointed but somehow finished the book nevertheless.

Having been told that I'd purchased this book my Grandma bought the Ingelman-Sundberg's other three Viking based novels and she seemed relatively pleased when I asked her about them. I wonder if I will make the effort of reading them in the hope that they will be much better or if I will find myself leaving them on the shelf.

It is a shame when a book has this effec
t on me because I really did have high hopes and I kept reading in the hopes that it would pick up but the book did not lead up to any big excitement. Three quarters through an event worth mentioning took place and this was perhaps the only interesting part. The main character, Ingegerd, having existed in real life was clearly an interesting historical figure but she rubbed me up the wrong way and unfortunately the book didn't agree with me.

Plot Summary:

There are worrying times in the Nordics, and the Viking bride Ingegerd and Olav the Holy are going to marry. But Ingegerd father, Olof Skötkung, opposes the wedding - Ingegerd is forced to travel to Rus to marry Jaroslav the Wise, an older man she has never met before. The nobles threaten with insurgency and Norway with war. Ingegerd finds herself in the middle of the eye of the storm.
My Rating:

I really did push myself through this book unfortunately. 
Other Books by Chatarina Ingelman-Sandberg:

Kaffe med Rån (Pensionärsligan #1) - [The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The Rules (League of Pensioners #1)]
Låna är Silver, Råna är Guld (Pensionärsligan #2) - [The Little Old Lady Who Struck Lucky Again (League of Pensioners #2)]
Rån och Inga Visor (Pensionärsligan #3) - [The Little Old Lady Behaving Badly (League of Pensioners #3)]
Tantlexikon [The Old Lady's Dictionary]
Krutgummor på Krigstiden (Mormödrar för Fred)
Brännmärkt [Branded]
Förföljd [Stalked]
Befriad [Freed]
Vikingablot [Viking Blot]
Vikingasilver [Viking Silver]
Vikingaguld [Viking Gold]
Boken om Vikingarna [The Book About the Vikings]
Forntida Kvinnor - Jägare, Vikingahustru, Furstinna [Ancient Women - Hunter, Viking Wife, Countess]
Kampen mot Bränningarna [The Fight Against the Fires]
Tempelbranden (Släkten #3) - [The Temple Fire (The Kindred #3)]

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