Saturday, June 23, 2018


Title: The Gathering
Author: K.E. Ganshert
Series: The Gifting #3
Pages: 379 (Kindle)
Published: Jul 1st 2015
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

I downloaded this book as soon as I finished the previous book, but took a break in between for an unknown reason. But the finale did not disappoint. Again, theres the pattern that I see a lot in sic-fi and dystopia. Where there is a broken society, the main characters seem to want to start a revolution, and though they seem to only be a couple of teenagers to start with they always end up being this huge organised group at a specific headquarters. Did The Gathering have this? You bet it did, and damn it was good. More things were revealed of the organisation and the people wight the Gift and it just got better and better. Action filled and so gripping.

There was death, betrayal, and in that sense realistic. The ending was happy, as happy as it can get when you're in this situation, but satisfying. The book got very complicated and if I think back at it I'm not sure I remember everything or can recall exactly the roles of different people. I suggest you pay attention while reading this book. The complicated bits were introduced in The Awakening but it doesn't stop there. This book appears very thought through however and there's an answer to every question, if you read carefully.

Absolutely amazing trilogy, and I have now found out that they are officially available in physical paperbacks (rather than just the kindle versions that I read). How amazing is that?! And the covers are the same, and gorgeous. Want to get my hands on them.

Plot Summary:

"Darkness is a tricky thing. Especially when it cloaks itself in light." Luka isn't dead. He's not beyond saving. Tess knows because she saw him with her own eyes. After what she saw, she's sure of one thing: If they don't rescue him soon, Luka won't be Luka anymore. If only she could convince the other members of the hub. They're not sure Tess saw what she claims she saw. And they're preoccupied by the fact that their kind is being systematically eradicated. Answers lie in an ancient prophecy, one that revolves around a seventeen-year-old girl who never asked for any of this. K.E. Ganshert's final installment in The Gifting Series brings readers on an action-packed journey through loss, sacrifice, betrayal, and the impossible choice between what we want most and what we know is right.

My Rating:


Other Books in this trilogy:

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