Friday, July 6, 2018


Title: The Fate of the Tearling
Author: Erika Johansen 
Series: The Queen of the Tearling #3
Pages: 478
Published: Nov 29th 2016
Publisher: Harper, Bantam Press

The finale to the Queen of the Tearling trilogy was truly interesting. I was listening to this while painting our gate at home and I can truly say that it made it far more enjoyable.

Many secrets where revealed and questions answered. Who knew about Kelsea's mum? Or her dad? The visions got more and more interesting. I did miss listening to Lily's story but I understand that her story was told and we had to learn Katie's story. Katie's story made me question my initial interpretation of the Tearling. In my review of The Queen of the Tearling I said that I had chosen to imagine the Tearling in a Victorian style world. But I know started to question this. Katie's world is after the crossing and as far as I understand (although their lack of technology) it is very similar to our world today. They wear our type of clothes, live in our style of houses etc. And there's only a matter of years between Katie's tearing and Kelsea's Tearling, where no incredible advances in technology has been made (as far as I understand), so why should it be any different. And (SPOILER ALLERT) at the end, when Kelsea has changed history, her world seems to be very similar to today's world, but happier. I need to reread these book with a new look at the world I built up for myself.

Although I was happy with the ending, and it was satisfying as the issue was resolved and the Tearling was saved. Kelsea saved it. I still feel like there is more to tell. What happens now? Sure, Kelsea is no queen anymore (which is heartbreaking because no one will know how she saved the Tearling) but she has a new life and I feel like there could be more. The last line broke me. It gives the idea that not all is lost (when she's lost everyone she knew and loved) and I need to know what was said after "where have you been?" Give me more!! I understand why the book ended where it did, and as a plot, this was satisfying, but as a story I CRAVE MORE!!

This trilogy was such a unique take on fantasy and one of the best audiobooks I've read, even though each book was narrated by a different lady. Strongly suggest this if you crave fantasy but need something beyond castle, knights and dragons.

Plot Summary:

In less than a year, Kelsea Glynn has grown from an awkward teenager into a powerful monarch and a visionary leader.
And as she has come into her own as the Queen of the Tearling, she has transformed her realm. But in her quest to end corruption and restore justice, she has made many enemies - chief among them the evil and feared Red Queen, who ordered the armies of Mortmesne to march against the Tear and crush them.
To protect her people from such a devastating invasion, Kelsea did the unthinkable - naming the Mace, the trusted head of her personal guards, Regent in her place, she surrendered herself and her magical sapphires to her enemy. But the Mace will not rest until he and his men rescue their sovereign from her prison in Mortmesne.
So, the endgame has begun and the fate of Queen Kelsea - and the Tearling itself - will be revealed...
- Goodreads

My Rating:


Other Books in the Trilogy:

The Boy (Queen of the Tearling novella)

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