Monday, July 2, 2018


Title: Tusen Gånger Starkare (A Thousand Times Stronger)
Author: Christina Herrström
Pages: 217
Published: 2006
Publisher: Bonnier Carlsen, Månpocket
Language: Swedish

This book I read after I had seen the film. I think I must have been 12 at the time. The film was so good, and I watched it over and over again, that I got very high expectations of the book. Unfortunately the book was not as exciting.

The book has a very strong message about girls and boys in high school and social ranks. It's about standing up for who you are and that girls should have as much freedom as boys. This comes through when a new girl (Saga) starts school and turns all the rules upside down. She's interesting and the reason to why the book works. However, the book is told from one of the outsiders point of view - Signe. And in one aspect I think that's important because it builds an understanding for the reader. However, I often got bored or frustrated by Signe as there was very little to her.
Plot Summary:

Saga was free. Free from everything. At first we loved her. Then, we loved her even more. She changed everything. For all of us. Each and every one. She became a threat. And a promise.
Signe is 15. In the classroom she pretty much invisible, it's the boys that dominate. But one day a new  girl joins the class: Saga, a girl with self confidence and strength. She's a thousand times stronger than the others and takes up space just like the guys. Signe and the others become curious, things are changing in the class. But to what price?

Favourite Quote:

"I don't know where Saga is today. But one thing I know for sure. She was strong. A thousand times stronger than all the girls I know. And somewhere deep inside me, that power grows. This is my only life." - Signe

My Rating


Other Books by Christina Herrström:

Tusen Gånger Starkare (A Thousand Times Stronger)
Den Hungriga Princessan (The Hungry Princess)
Didrik (Didrik)
Ebba (Ebba)
Ebba och Didrik (Ebba and Didrik)
Leontines Längtan (Leontine's Longing)
Det Handlar om Kärlek (It's about Love)

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