Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Title: A Wizard of Earthsea
Author: Ursula K. Le Guin
Series: Earthsea Cycle #1
Pages: 183
Published: 1968
Publisher: Bantam Spectra

Believing this book was originally a Swedish classic I bought this book in Swedish. Only to find out that it is in fact an American fantasy classic. So despite going by my rule to not read translated books when it can be avoided, I read this in my mother tongue and I don’t think it mattered terribly.

Despite being a very short book (about 250 pages) it took me a while to read. Possibly because it was written in 1968 so the language is a little older, or because my Swedish is simply shit. It may also however, just be that the book is quite slow.

This first instalment about the Earth Sea follows the story of a young wizard on the quest to destroy the evil he has accidentally set free to the Earth Sea. 

With no great amount of dialogue and plenty of descriptive parts the book was mostly overlooking the story of our protagonist Ged, and zooming in on some parts of his journey. This meant that although the book moved quickly through his life the pace was surprisingly still slow.

It was not the most exciting plot but somehow the writing kept me reading, and part of me wonders if that is not what makes a great author, to be able to keep someone’s attention despite the excitement of the story. It was not the most exhilerating reading experience, I did not much care for it, but I still recommend it. I am grateful that I read it and I will read the sequel. I believe it’s healthy to read an older book, or classic now and again. Fantasy or not. It opens your eyes for different types of writing and storytelling and from an author's point of view. I think it may be good research to read this book for a good understanding of language and narrative. It is an interesting read and a good example of good authorial voice.

Although slow, it is a light read and does not require much attention. There is world building but it is not a complicated world as such. If you look to widen your horizons in terms of genre and time period I recommend this and I think it was a healthy read for me to read between all the YA Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Dystopia. I got a chance to clear my head a bit from all the complex worlds and actions while still reading fantasy. And I am proud to say that I have opened my eyes to older books and authors and widened my reading horizons.

Overall, I think it’s safe to say that there’s no harm in reading older written texts. It’s a good practice to see where perhaps some of your favourite current fantasies have come from, borrowing from stories such as this back in the day. Much like old films having a slower pacing, the techniques change with the times and it’s refreshing to revisit the past from time to time. It just might not be to everyones taste.

For young upcoming writers however, I recommend giving it a read and letting your mind critically analyse the authors style to help identify and develop parts of your own. 

Slow, meandering, yet sometimes charming and endearing. 

Plot Summary:

Ged, the greatest sorcerer in all Earthsea, was called Sparrowhawk in his reckless youth. 

Hungry for power and knowledge, Sparrowhawk tampered with long-held secrets and loosed a terrible shadow upon the world. This is the tale of his testing, how he mastered the mighty words of power, tamed an ancient dragon, and crossed death's threshold to restore the balance.

My Rating:


Other Books in the Series:

A Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle #1)
The Tombs of Atuan (Earthsea Cycle #2)
The Farthest Shore (Earthsea Cycle #3)
Tehanu (Earthsea Cycle #4)
Tales from Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle #5)
The Other Wind (Earthsea Cycle #6)
The Daughter of Odren (Earthsea Cycle novella)

Other Books by Ursula K. Le Guin

The Day Before the Revolution (Hainish Cycle Prequel)
The Dispossessed (Hainish Cycle #1)
The Word for World is Forest (Hainish Cycle #2)
Rocannon's World (Hainish Cycle #3)
Planet of Exile (Hainish Cycle #4)
City of Illusions (Hainish Cycle #5)
The Left Hand of Darkness (Hainish Cycle #6)
Four Ways to Forgiveness (Hainish Cycle #7)
A Fisherman of the Inland Sea (Hainish Cycle #8)
The Telling (Hainish Cycle #9)
The Birthday of the World and Other Stories (Hainish Cycle #10)
Winter's King (Hainish Cycle Novella)
Gifts (Annals of the Western Shore #1)
Voices (Annals of the Western Shore #2)
Powers (Annals of the Western Shore #3)
Catwings (Catwings #1)
Catwings Return (Catwings #2)
Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings (Catwings #3)
Jane on Her Own (Catwings #3)
Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places (About Writing)
Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navigator or the Mutinous Crew (About Writing)
The Wave in the Mind: Talks & Essays on the Writer, the Reader & the Imagination (About Writing)
Conversations with Ursula K. Le Guin (About Writing)


A Wizard of Earthsea
The Tombs of Atuan
The Farthest Shore
Tales from Earthsea
The Other Wind




Title: Everless
Author: Sara Holland
Series: Everless #1
Pages: 362
Published: Jan 2nd 2018
Publisher: Harper Teen

This book was a classic YA fantasy with an original idea set in a different fantasy universe. It is exactly what my brain craves sometimes. Personally for me, it wasn't the most exciting YA fantasy I've read. It is a bit slow, if not unexciting at parts but it's an easy read and plenty happens.

The book is written in first person but I love the amount of characters. There are enough side characters of each social status to give an understanding of how Everless is ruled. Jules lives with the servants, where she has friends, she has her family and a friend from home, she has the Gerlings, that she knew as a girl and the Queen and her daughter whom she serves. It gives a very well understanding of Everless as a whole, and it's wonderful. What else is great is that Jules moves around these ranks quite frequently and therefore we understand the places and what's generally going on the story. It's great.

What's more, is that, since the book is written from Jules's point of view we always know what she's thinking and are therefore often reminded of her childhood, her memories, her dreams. The world of Sempera and Everless is built up to the reader through Jules's thoughts. And theses are not repetitive or annoying since she starts questioning a lot of things that are going on with time.

The time aspect of this book is very interesting. How blood and time are linked and how they are used and contained. It is a very interesting concept and I give Sara Holland all the credit for thinking through her story.

Unfortunately I just wished there was more. The cogs only really started moving towards the end. Jules's journey felt like it stood still for quite a while, and when things finally started clicking into place we were almost at the end of the book and it felt almost rushed and I didn't get enough time to process everything that had been revealed. 

A very nice YA fantasy, but not quite the epic. Although the story had loads of potential and the character is likeable I had small issues with pacing.

Plot Summary:

In the land of Sempera, the rich control everything - even time. Ever since the time of alchemy and sorcery, hours, days and years have been extracted from blood and bound to iron coins. The rich live for centuries, the poor bleed themselves dry. 
Jules and her father are behind on their rent and low on hours. To stop him from draining himself to clear their debts, Jules takes a job at Everless, the grand estate of the cruel Gerling family. 
There, Jules encounters danger and temptation in the guise of the Gerling heir, Roan, who is soon to be married. But the web of secrets at Everless stretches beyond her desire, and the truths she must uncover will change her life forever... and possibly the future of time itself. 

My Rating:


Enjoyable, but not quite as exciting as I expected.

Other Books in this Series:

Everless (Everless #1)
Evermore (Everless #2)

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Title: Vikingafurstinnan: en historisk roman om Ingegerd - vikingatidens mäktigaste kvinna  (alt. Mäktig Mans Kvinna)
Author: Chatarina Ingelman-Sandberg
Pages: 376
Published: 2018 (alt. 2001)
Publisher: Månpocket
Language: Swedish

In all honesty, I was disappointed. I found this book in the Science-Fiction bookshop in Old Town in Stockholm, Sweden and I was really in the mood for a Viking story. Having read and loved Johanne Hildebrandt's books Sigrid, and Estrid, I thought I was in for a similar experience when picking up Vikingafurstinnan. But instead of flying through the book, I had to push myself to finish it.

This book had such potential. It introduced the relationship between the Vikings and Russia and Prussia. It highlighted the change in religion that the Vikings went through. There was an impossible love story and an arranged marriage, but no spice! Nothing of this hooked on and provided an exciting story. I was solely disappointed but somehow finished the book nevertheless.

Having been told that I'd purchased this book my Grandma bought the Ingelman-Sundberg's other three Viking based novels and she seemed relatively pleased when I asked her about them. I wonder if I will make the effort of reading them in the hope that they will be much better or if I will find myself leaving them on the shelf.

It is a shame when a book has this effec
t on me because I really did have high hopes and I kept reading in the hopes that it would pick up but the book did not lead up to any big excitement. Three quarters through an event worth mentioning took place and this was perhaps the only interesting part. The main character, Ingegerd, having existed in real life was clearly an interesting historical figure but she rubbed me up the wrong way and unfortunately the book didn't agree with me.

Plot Summary:

There are worrying times in the Nordics, and the Viking bride Ingegerd and Olav the Holy are going to marry. But Ingegerd father, Olof Skötkung, opposes the wedding - Ingegerd is forced to travel to Rus to marry Jaroslav the Wise, an older man she has never met before. The nobles threaten with insurgency and Norway with war. Ingegerd finds herself in the middle of the eye of the storm.
My Rating:

I really did push myself through this book unfortunately. 
Other Books by Chatarina Ingelman-Sandberg:

Kaffe med Rån (Pensionärsligan #1) - [The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The Rules (League of Pensioners #1)]
Låna är Silver, Råna är Guld (Pensionärsligan #2) - [The Little Old Lady Who Struck Lucky Again (League of Pensioners #2)]
Rån och Inga Visor (Pensionärsligan #3) - [The Little Old Lady Behaving Badly (League of Pensioners #3)]
Tantlexikon [The Old Lady's Dictionary]
Krutgummor på Krigstiden (Mormödrar för Fred)
Brännmärkt [Branded]
Förföljd [Stalked]
Befriad [Freed]
Vikingablot [Viking Blot]
Vikingasilver [Viking Silver]
Vikingaguld [Viking Gold]
Boken om Vikingarna [The Book About the Vikings]
Forntida Kvinnor - Jägare, Vikingahustru, Furstinna [Ancient Women - Hunter, Viking Wife, Countess]
Kampen mot Bränningarna [The Fight Against the Fires]
Tempelbranden (Släkten #3) - [The Temple Fire (The Kindred #3)]



Saturday, November 10, 2018